- Provide a national and international forum for the discussion of all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light and lighting and for the interchange of information in these fields between countries.
- Develop basic standards and procedures of metrology in the fields of light and lighting.
- Provide guidance in the application of principles and procedures in the development of international standards in the fields of light and lighting.
- Prepare and publish CIE standards, reports and other literature concerned with all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light and lighting.
- Maintain liaison and technical interaction with other international organisations concerned with matters related to the science, technology, standardisation and art in the fields of light and lighting.
- Represent the interests of South Africa in the councils of the CIE, determine the views which prevail in this region and secure due consideration of these views in international discussions.
- Represent the CIE in South Africa, keep all lighting and related interests of this area informed of CIE recommendations and proceedings, and in general, assist in giving this region the benefit of developments that take place.
- Instigate lighting and allied research, which is considered necessary in the region’s interest, and execute work assigned to IESSA by the CIE.
- Promote standards and codes of practice relating to light and lighting and encourage their dissemination and implementation in the region.
- Promote good lighting practice in the region and study and apply the value of illumination requirements in relation to visual efficiency and performance.
- Appoint IESSA representatives on CIE divisions or technical committees, or nominate delegates to CIE meetings, subject to ratification by Council. Selection shall be by democratic process from the entire IESSA membership. Financial contributions towards the expenses incurred by delegates may be awarded as determined from time to time by Council. IESSA delegates to a CIE meeting must submit to Council, within 60 (sixty) days of their return, a comprehensive technical report on their assignment and related activities.
- In the case of a delegation to CIE meetings consisting of more than one person, the leader of the delegation shall be the senior member of the delegates or, failing this, Council shall nominate a leader of the delegation, who shall be responsible to report on the activities of the delegation.
- At all other times, the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the CIE Committee, or in their absence, two nominees of Council, shall represent Council in matters concerning the CIE General Assembly.
- Reports submitted to Council in terms of this section shall be circulated to all members or, if this is not practical, a synopsis of the report shall be made available to members on request.
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CIE Committee Members: 2017/2018
Division | Role | Name |
D1 | Representative | Irma Rabe |
D2 | Representative | Rheinhardt Sieberhagen |
D3 | Representative | Henk Rotman |
D4 | Representative | Daniel Kasper |
D6 | Representative | Edwin Mofokeng |
D8 | Representative | Vacant |
D1 | Alternate | Edwin Mofokeng |
D2 | Alternate | Pieter du Toit |
D3 | Alternate | André Blignaut |
D4 | Alternate | Andre Paul |
D6 | Alternate | Pieter du Toit |
D8 | Alternate | Vacant |